Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Time Has Come to Teach

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It is the day of our lesson and we are all on edge. We have prepared so much for this one day that we knew it was all going to pan out. Before the students arrived, we had everything set up and ready to go, however we did start a little later due to the arrival of some late students which shortened our time. The introductions went well initially. Then, we started to go over each topic and we slowly realized that the time was ticking too fast. We had to cut out our Kahoot review activities and our independent practices. My group was just watching the clock as we realized that we still had so much more to do...

Due to this, our goal was to just get through the lesson and so we skipped over directions and explanations, but didn't intend to do so. It just kind of happened and we all didn't realize until we started getting feedback about the lesson. Here is the link to our direct and inquiry lessons and here is the link to our presentation. 

Once we got to the inquiry part of the lesson, we just jumped right in which was not the greatest idea. We planned to split the students up into groups so they could rotate and complete each activity, however due to the time constraint, we only had one group per activity and no rotation occurred. After the students completed the activities (ex. the cloud in a bottle), the students shared their hypothesis and results with the class and the parents. This also concluded the lesson. 

Overall, I am extremely proud of my group. We put a lot of time and effort into this one day for it to go all wrong. At the end of it, we still all left with smiles on our faces and learned so much in that short amount of time. I am thankful for the experiences we have had planning and teaching the lesson. 

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