Monday, March 13, 2017

Do you know?

Image result for earth

As future teachers, it is important for us to be familiar with as many topics as possible. In particular, it is important to have some sort of background in basic science. Because of this, we had to work in groups and decided on a topic that the whole group was not familiar with. We then had to find out more information and teach the class on the topic. 

My group was the least familiar with the different layers of earth's atmospheres. As a group, we split apart the different layers and each looked up information about the layers. We found videos and pictures to go along with the information. Once we found the information, we used ThingLink to put all the information together. 

ThingLink is an online tool that lets the content you're teaching come alive. It's engaging and you can display the information however you would like to. By all of the group members putting together the information, we all learned more about the layers of the atmosphere. 

Once the group members finished, we each taught our lessons to the class often reinforcing the same information. By doing this, we learned as a class new information to use in the future. We also learned new online tools to use in the classroom. This was a wonderful learning experience for the whole class. 

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