Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Science is Everywhere!

Image result for snow gifs

This article that I found on the Science News website talks about how snow actually is calming in certain respects. I found this article to be interesting because it is true, when it snows the world around us seems to get quieter and more relaxed. According to this article, snow absorbs commercial sounds a lot better than rain can. On average, snow absorbs about 60% of the sound which is why it is so calming during and after the snow falls. 

I also chose this article because it relates to my unit plan as well as the lessons that my group and I taught for fieldwork. This article is easy to follow and very informative. 

A main part of science is staying updated on what is going on in the world. In order to know and understand, it is important to always look for articles and read to keep up to date on facts. In my future classroom, I would have my students look up current events and articles based on a specific topic they are interested in. This gives the students the option to research information they are interested in and learn more. This would mostly be an individual based assignment because each student might be interested in something different. Research is so important for students to know how to do. In each short little article, you can learn so much more than you ever have before. 

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