Friday, March 24, 2017

The Planning Begins

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Group 3 decided to start planning as early as we could. In the beginning of the semester, we would meet about once a week just to share ideas and start on the little things. Each group member brought their own laptops and would research on their own and then collaborate with the others. It eventually turned into the nitty gritty where we started writing the lessons and planning the slides and activities. We all collaborated on Google Docs and Google Slides so we could see what the others were doing as well.

For the lesson plans, we each completed certain parts of the lesson so it wasn't overwhelming for any of us. The same for the slideshow presentation. As a group, we focused on making the learning fun for the students considering this was an after school program. We wanted the students to become meteorologists and show interest in the topic of precipitation since it is so important to be familiar with. 

The days leading up to the lesson were pretty stressful, however we managed to pull it all together and kept our cool throughout the whole lesson even though it wasn't going as planned. 

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