Friday, March 3, 2017

The Lessons Begin...

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Today, the first group went up to teach both their direct and inquiry lessons in the hour and a half time frame. The first group taught all about solar systems. Being that this is an after school program, my colleagues had to accommodate to the grades fourth through sixth.They had to apply all the correct standards based on the grade and accommodate to the different learning levels.

I found out that four out of five have never taught a lesson before. Considering this, I thought the group did a phenomenal job teaching their first lesson. This lesson was definitely interactive and engaging for the students. Being that this was the  first lesson, the students were a little hard to control because this was the first time the rules had to be established.

While my colleagues were teaching. the rest of the class sat in the back of the room and observed everything that they were doing. We took notes on how they engaged the students and how they opened and closed the lesson, for example. I learned a lot from observing in the back of the classroom.

All in all, the first group did a phenomenal job! It's not easy going first!

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