Friday, February 24, 2017

What Do the Students Really Know?

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The purpose of a pre-test is to test students knowledge on a particular topic in schools. Pre-tests are designed to pinpoint where the teacher should focus more on the lesson based on the results of the tests. If all the students get question 1 right, then the teacher knows not to review any of the concepts related to question 1. However, if half the class does not get question 6 right, then the teacher knows to review the concepts from that particular question. 

The process of creating a pre-test involves making a variety of questions that test what the students do and do not know. These questions may include: multiple choice, true/false, short answer and fill in the blank. The questions should be general and specific and geared towards what the students have learned previously. It also should be a fair variety of questions so the teacher can collect accurate data. 

For the science pre-test, each of the groups came up with 3-4 questions about their lesson topic. For example, my group is teaching precipitation, so we came up with 4 questions pertaining to precipitation. Then, we added the questions to Google Forms so one of my colleagues can put it together for the students. Once we received the results, my group was able to base what the students know and do not know to help us prepare our lesson. 


  1. Leanna, I really enjoyed your blog. I thought that it was very thought out. I completely agree with you about the pre-test. You have a very well-thought blog, keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you, Bryanna! Pre-tests are really important.
