Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Experiment has come to a Close

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I can't believe the spring semester had just ended! It really flew by. This semester in Science was definitely a tough one, but it taught me a lot about myself. We had a lot of work throughout the semester, but in the end I learned so much about myself and who I am as a teacher. I was nervous to take this and Social Studies methods at the same time, but I'm glad I did. Our fieldwork experiences have allowed us to teach to an after-school science program between the grades fourth through sixth. One of the many teaching philosophies that I have is I believe that learning is fun, so getting to show the students that was exciting for me. Each activity and lesson that I made made me that much closer to my dream of becoming a teacher. Also, seeing their smiling faces and knowing that I taught them new things made the lessons that much more exciting. I am looking forward to my future students one day and having the privilege to teach them like I taught in science. 

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