Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Image result for acronym for science

I found this quote scrolling through Pinterest one day. Unfortunately, it's a little blury but the acronym is still the same. After seeing this quote, I have decided that I want this in my future classroom. It is a great motivator for the students, and myself, and it's very powerful for young minds. I live by quotes and acronyms so knowing that this would be a friendly reminder for my future students is what makes me happy. I can't wait for the day that one of them reads one of the lines and it affects their life positively because that is what I hope for. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Experiment has come to a Close

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I can't believe the spring semester had just ended! It really flew by. This semester in Science was definitely a tough one, but it taught me a lot about myself. We had a lot of work throughout the semester, but in the end I learned so much about myself and who I am as a teacher. I was nervous to take this and Social Studies methods at the same time, but I'm glad I did. Our fieldwork experiences have allowed us to teach to an after-school science program between the grades fourth through sixth. One of the many teaching philosophies that I have is I believe that learning is fun, so getting to show the students that was exciting for me. Each activity and lesson that I made made me that much closer to my dream of becoming a teacher. Also, seeing their smiling faces and knowing that I taught them new things made the lessons that much more exciting. I am looking forward to my future students one day and having the privilege to teach them like I taught in science. 

Book Talks are Wonderful

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As a future educator, I plan on doing a lot of book talks in my future classroom. Book talks are easy and fun summaries of specific books related to lessons. They usually last between 1 and 2 minutes and talk about things such as what the book is about, what grade level it is meant for, and how you would use the book in a lesson. They can be visual or audio only, but still easy to follow along with. 

For one of the lessons I created, I based the lesson on the students creating a book talk. The students were asked to choose a book based on one of the forms of precipitation. They then had to read it and summarize the book for the whole class to understand what the book was about. The students could create the book talk using various types of digital tools such as Audio Boom or YouTube. This allowed them to get creative in explaining their thoughts on the book. The students were able to share what they have learned with the class which made it a learning experience for all.